19 December 2006

Bacon & Wine

So…I’m not dead, but was pretty damn close to it. Anyway yesterday I finished my last final exam of the semester. I’ve been cracked out for weeks, literally studying and whatnot. I don’t have to worry about that place until sometime in January, which means I get to focus all of my energy on work and myself. As excited and beyond joy that I am I’m a little saddened. I’m leaving some great friends behind, I don’t doubt that we will never hangout again, but let me tell you when you have a class at 7 p.m. once a week for three hours you want some of the greatest people around to get through the night. Next semester will be my next, its as simple as that.

Back to the bacon and wine. Once home after that exhausting and grueling exam, I laid on the couch and passed out for the rest of the day. I finally got up around five and decided to clean my place, it has been awhile. I also did four loads of laundry. I also managed to pull a few Christmas decorations out of storage (another reminder never to let my mother touch my stuff) I pretty sure I inhaled things I shouldn’t have.

I also think that I have been forcing Christmas. I have randomly played music trying to get the spirit stirring in the air, I get nothing.

After cleaning my place from top to bottom, it was time for dinner, which consisted of bacon and wine. Then the best thing ever happened I actually got a full nights rest without any cares in the world.

1 comment:

Mr 5.25 said...

Limp or crispy bacon?