23 October 2006

how much

I have the best fiancé ever, unfortunately I don’t deserve him.

Number of attempts to hangout with “Big D”: 2
Number of times he has been a jackass to me: 3
Number of times Ellie has pestered me to buy a Halloween costume: countless
Numbers of time I passed out before 9 p.m.: 3
Number of sleeping pills I took before I passed out (since Friday): 4
Number of times I’ve gone vegan: 2
Number of times I thought about meat & cheese this weekend: um?
Number of bottles of wine consumed since Sunday: 3...oops!
Number of days until I see “Big D”: 5….too long
Number of ex’s telling you, you were the best sex they had: 1
Number of minutes on the stairmaster today: 45...OMG!
Number of bullshit emails this morning: 4
Number of times I've though of quitting life(today alone): 10 and counting.

1 comment:

NotCarrie said...

I never want to be vegan. Bring on the meat and animal products!