27 November 2006


I saw my ex this weekend when I went shopping (never before mentioned ex).

I ventured to suburban shopping land to meet a friend and blow some cash. Saturday after Thanksgiving so I was braced to deal with the crazies. Once I was actively looking for parking I took the first spot I saw, even if it was clear on the other side of where I needed to be.

As I pulled into the space the individual in front of me looked familiar, but I thought, no, it can’t be, uh…wait…maybe? No, just my imagination, your losing your mind crazybeautiful. I got out of the car looked directly in his direction. Indeed it was thee! With his wife and child! Really I’m ok, I’m breathing, walking (at least I think I was).

This is were things get tricky. Normally I would have looked him dead in the eyes and engage in conversation of my fabulous life. Okay question: Are there rules when running into exes in public? Especially those who cost you thousands in therapy, totally fucked you up with every relationship since and is probably a contributing factor to your current problems with that bottle of Kettle One.

We actually emailed each other after the messy aftermath and such, but it just re-opened old wounds. Luckily I have never experienced anything that nasty and bitter since. I mean this guy got married less than a year after we broke up, I'm talking 6 months after. He never even informed me either.

So there I was cars directly in front of one another and I'm running for my life in this parking lot (I know he saw me). I actually wasn't overly concerned. I have come along way since him and I thought at least if he did say something to me I had my engagement ring on.

Once I got to the other side and found Steph, I apparently looked like I had seen a ghost. She asked me if I wanted to talk about it, I said no, I squashed it right then and there.

Now back to the rules of running into exes. Is there a protocol? For some reason I became a chicken shit and ran, I never would have done that before and I have absolutely no feelings or connections to him at all, that drama was many moons ago.

Pheeeww!!! I'm glad I got that off my chest.

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