I’m not even going to beat around the bush here, we’re all family. The sex was amazing, much better then it was the first time I had reluctantly crawled into his bed. As familiar as the entire set up was I did not care. I wanted him. I get what I want.
So I laid there wondering what time it was, because he doesn’t have a clock in the bedroom, I listened to him snore and I think I nodded off a few times. I’m guessing sometime around 5 a.m. he got up and when he came back to bed he wanted more. Those hands of his are going to get me into trouble. He holds me with the strength of ten men and at the same time with the lightest touch I’ve ever felt. Once again it was incredible, but I knew I needed to be up and home for work shortly, not to mention he once again made his stink about being at the gym at 6 a.m.
Well that didn’t happen we feel back asleep. I lay there wondering what time it was once again. I had my hand on his back, attempting to slowly wake him, mainly because I was not in the mood to get up naked out of bed and see what time it was. Now that I think about it, he must have thought that I wasn’t done with him yet, because at 7 a.m. that led to us going at it one last time.
Finally it was after 8 and we knew we had to get going. Ha! I had to be at work at 10 a.m. and needed to be home to shower and oh yeah, his housekeeper was on her way as well. I finally got my shit together and got home, luckily I live less than ten minutes from his place. I was showered dressed and ready to go in minutes, but there was no time to take the train it was a quarter after nine. I had no choice but to drive. I practically ran every light in
I guess walking around in a fog all day was worth it then huh?
It was definately worth it!!!
THAT was nice to read. :)
No kidding you are not on your game! :)
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